What I want for me, and what I want for you, too — as we show up fully, own our stories, take our rightful places and inspire other women to do the same.
Courage is my super power. That doesn’t mean I’m without fear. But it does mean I refuse to play the victim anymore. Instead, I choose to be fully responsible for my life.
My life could have gone in an entirely different direction. But instead, I decided to take all the not-so-great stuff that had happened to me and made something beautiful out of it. This business and this website is that something.
And fiercely proud of that fact.
I speak 5 languages and coach in 4. PS. I have an Italian accent and I own it and it’s delicious.
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The long(er) version
As the energetic, extroverted sister to my twin brother, I discovered early on that I was “too much”: too passionate, too creative, too sensitive.
People couldn’t manage my personality, my curiosity, or my unrelenting desire to learn more about the world, so they did everything in their power to break my spirit.
I was often the victim of their wrath. I survived and decided I would take my experiences and make something out of them.
I began taking steps to heal the cracks from the inside out. I studied psychology and sociology so that I could understand why people do the things they do. And in time, I forgave those who had hurt me in the past.
But eventually, I fell into abusive relationships that felt all-too familiar.
When I graduated, I managed to get a corporate job in the most expensive city in the world. But I couldn’t own my success, because I felt like an imposter. The idea that I was somehow less than had a DIRECT impact on my life — my salary, my friendships, my romantic relationships, you name it.
As a woman, I couldn’t contribute meaningfully because I’d force myself into the wrong roles and refuse to take myself seriously. I thought I couldn’t be myself because I’d be rejected. I’d accept lower salaries and tasks that weren’t in my job description. Other people continually took advantage of me, and my self-confidence was at an all-time-low . . .
Until I had a burnout. It was scary, probably the hardest thing that I’d experienced.
But it was also the catalyst that led me to finally accept and love myself, unconditionally. Ultimately, that saved my life.
After training as an ICF Professional Certified Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner, I began to help other women to not only believe in themselves, but develop the kind of courage and resilience that paves the way to the life, career and business they want.
At the end of the day, I TRULY believe that confidence is a choice and every woman has the power to live the life she wants — no matter what her past story may have taught her.
Some other highlights . . .
- At 7, I started talking about animal rights.
- At 11, I began advocating against racism.
- At 14, I helped pregnant refugees who were fleeing their countries to save the lives of their unborn children. (These women were and ARE the very definition of “brave-hearted.”)
- And at 17, I was busy reading philosophy in my spare time and studying the world’s religions.
In other words, I was never conventional.
But ultimately, that’s what gave me my strength.
(That’s what gives you your strength, too.)
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Confidence and Clarity Coaching Sessions
Coaching Sessions à la Carte: from feeling stuck to moving forward
Confidence coaching on-demand. Consider this focused problem-solving for when you need it most.
Confidence from the Core Coaching Program
6 Month Coaching Program: from self-doubt to self-confidence
The confidence coaching program that’s changing lives. Push past the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back and step into a whole new world of possibility.
Brave It Out Coaching Package
Action-Oriented Coaching Package: from holding yourself back to putting yourself forward
The coaching package for women entrepreneurs who struggle to put themselves out there. Focused exercises and coaching to overcome fear of failure and put yourself forward.