The mechanism of feeling not good enough is based on a self-belief: the belief that we aren’t good enough in order to be loved and included. Its roots are in the self-identity and how we learnt to value who we are. Based on this belief, we have thoughts which create emotions and make us feel bad about ourselves. That feeling determines how we behave, respond and act in the environment.
One of the most important lessons I learnt in my life is how to start over when everything falls apart. The end is a new beginning, isn’t it? So when what I did for most of my life stopped working for me, when my low self-confidence paired with feeling like a fraud brought me to a breakdown, I understood it was time for a change.
Hello Brave Hearted, this is the first post of the new website and I am glad you followed me from Coaching Spot.
The Brave-Hearted is the project I deeply wanted for a long time, being scared and excited when I talked about doing a meaningful change, using my energies to bring something beautiful to the world.
I started to look for a sense in life when I was very young. During my path so far this sense evolved, and a certain point I recognised a basic truth – basic and truth for me of course – it was melted with my needs. This is what I called “sense”. The thing I was looking for in that specific period of my life.