Many women who experience low self-confidence know this feeling: they deeply want to become confident and at the same time they’re very scared about it. When they think about what would be possible in their lives if they’d love and affirm themselves, you can see that special spark in their eyes. Then the negative self-talk set in and they start being concerned about the potential consequences.
Don’t shrink, don’t puff up, just be yourself.
Brené Brown
Achieving self-confidence and self-esteem is all about doing the inner work. The work that makes us more self-aware, brings us closer to ourselves and listen. So that we can take our needs seriously, commit to get them satisfied – because we deserve it – and finally achieve the inner peace that comes with loving ourselves. It’s about building a solid base to a glorious life.
If you don’t believe in yourself, you can’t believe in the value you bring. And if you don’t believe in the value of your work, you can’t feel confident and legitimate in what you do. This is the real obstacle to any kind of success.
Low self-esteem and low self-confidence have a negative impact on all the aspects of your life. Your well-being, inner peace and health, your income, the quality of your relationships and whether you can achieve or not your goals in life. The less you know about how this process works inside you, the most difficult it is to get rid of it and have a good quality of life, a life in which there’s no space to wonder if you’re good enough, and achieve fulfilment and satisfaction.
Lately I’m having so many conversations about what it takes. What it takes to achieve your dreams, how to understand if you’ve a chance to achieve what you want, when it makes sense to pursue your goals.
Now, if you ask me, the answer to that is: always. It makes always sense to pursue your goals and stay connected with what keeps you alive, stimulated and motivated. There’s no question about that. If the question is if you can make a living doing what you’re really passionate about, well, this is a different question. But whether you can transform your passion into your business or not, you shouldn’t quit your passion.
When it comes to success, I was a mess. I struggled for a long time to become a grounded, successful adult.
I knew what I didn’t want and I started hustling for a life with less efforts and less of those sad compromises I was seeing around me. You know, the ones that partially satisfy your needs and keep you stuck in a state of constant frustration and disappointment. I didn’t want a life made of that.