How to find time for yourself

If you are running after everyone’s else expectations, stated or presumed, you find yourself always busy, often exhausted and mainly satisfying everybody else but yourself. You rarely or never find time for yourself. That time is always left behind for when there will be time.

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How to have a love story ruled by love and freedom

You are the love you are looking for. 

I considered this idea of a healthy, long-lasting and satisfyng love relationship for many years. In this quest, I spent such a long time to study love, relationships, bonding and attachment. I went back to study the origin of love, the moments in our life when we learn to love from our first models. And I observed how we repeat what we don’t repair, how we end up in relationships that are a mold of our previous ones, unless we do something to break this mechanism.

Love is often described as a given. Something you’re supposed to have, as if you could take a person, make him or her yours and get your needs partially satisfied by your partner for a long time.

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How accepting your emotions will make you lose weight and gain happiness

Today I am so excited to share with you my contribution to Nourish: Mindful Body + Mindful Life with an article on how to stop using food to deal with stress. Is this anything you can relate to? Then this article is for you:

How Accepting Your Emotions Will Make You Lose Weight and Gain Happiness

And don’t miss the opportunity to meet Cristina Hoyt, the amazing Integrative Nutrition Coach that created the Un-Diet Guide: you can download it for free on her website!



Why self-love is the key to having the body you love

Today I am really excited to announce the contribution of Cristina Hoyt, directly from NourishMBML to The Brave-Hearted. She is a fabulous Integrative Nutrition Coach from Philadelphia, featured on MindBodyGreen and she is here to share with us the secret to having the body you love. Enjoy her awesome article!

It’s a tricky, winding road when you start to think about self love and body image.  The two are intertwined in a way that only our deepest selves can begin to comprehend.  And unfortunately, you can’t have one without the other.  How can you show yourself love if you’re body shaming? How can you have positive body image if you don’t truly love yourself?  You can’t. But I can show you a simple step that is interwoven into our daily lives that you can do every day that will move you in the direction to having both and, to me, it’s the ultimate expression of self love.

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