Is low self-confidence affecting your life?

I am asked this question several times per day and in this article I want to give you an answer. If you recognise yourself in what I am describing here, chances are that low self-confidence and low self-esteem are affecting your life and preventing you from getting what you want. Here I explain you why it’s time to do something for it.

Until fear of failure can be moderated, a woman who fears that she isn’t or won’t be good enough will not be able to take pleasure in living.  

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Are you a people pleaser?

If you are a people pleaser, you are used to behave as if you were worth less than others. You adapt to what others want – or what you think they want. But what’s behind this behaviour and how can you overcome it? With this exercise, I help you to get more clarity and make the first steps forward.

In this post I’m talking about what it means to be a people pleaser, from the perspective of a recovered one (myself). I’m talking about all those moments when you hold yourself back and choose to behave how you think it’s expected from you. When you say what you think others want to hear, when you behave in a way that is likeable on purpose – in some cases, just to regret it later. When you don’t express preferences, opinions and don’t set boundaries. Oh, I’ve done this for such a long time – and I still catch myself doing it sometimes.

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How to stop being a perfectionist

This post is dedicated to all the women who work hard, give a lot and never spare a kind work. With this post I hope to make a little miracle happen, to help you seeing how amazing and beautiful you are. To finally ask something for yourself.

Perfectionism is the (unrealistic) expectation that generates the feeling of being never good enough.

It’s the reason why you don’t manage to stand up for yourself, be who you are and go after your goals. It’s the reason that keeps you struggling and running in high heels, trying to make it all. So you end up struggling to meet expectations, hustling and even blaming yourself for all the things you didn’t manage to do. And you wonder if you are good enough. I hear you.

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How to give yourself the permission to shine

This post is for all the women who keep living a life made of compromises, coping strategies and dissatisfaction and still believe that this is what life is supposed to be. It’s for all the women who, consciously or unconsciously, think they can’t overcome their past wounds and hold back. For the ones who rationalise and tell themselves stories about where they come from and where they are meant to go, as if the past will be the future and nothing can be changed

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