Many women who experience low self-confidence know this feeling: they deeply want to become confident and at the same time they’re very scared about it. When they think about what would be possible in their lives if they’d love and affirm themselves, you can see that special spark in their eyes. Then the negative self-talk set in and they start being concerned about the potential consequences.
Don’t shrink, don’t puff up, just be yourself.
Brené Brown
Achieving self-confidence and self-esteem is all about doing the inner work. The work that makes us more self-aware, brings us closer to ourselves and listen. So that we can take our needs seriously, commit to get them satisfied – because we deserve it – and finally achieve the inner peace that comes with loving ourselves. It’s about building a solid base to a glorious life.
When it comes to success, I was a mess. I struggled for a long time to become a grounded, successful adult.
I knew what I didn’t want and I started hustling for a life with less efforts and less of those sad compromises I was seeing around me. You know, the ones that partially satisfy your needs and keep you stuck in a state of constant frustration and disappointment. I didn’t want a life made of that.
The victim mindset has a limiting and negative impact on a lot of women. If you’re stuck in this type of mindset, it will impact the way you see yourself and lower your self-esteem. It’ll impact the way you think, feel and behave in the world, leading you to be a victim again. This is why, if you want to be able to achieve your goals and live a bold life, switching to a winner mindset is mandatory.
Have you ever seen a woman who spends a lot of energy in blaming others and herself about what happened to her and explaining that this is why her life is destined to be a failure? A woman who seems to have a lot of bad luck and to be surrounded by manipulators and other people who keep taking advantage of her? Have you ever been that woman? I was and I know how hard it can be to stop being a victim. If you feel the same, this post is for you.
Confidence for women is a concept that hasn’t been clearly defined yet. We have different ideas of what feeling confident means and what a confident woman looks like. Confidence for women hasn’t been clearly defined yet because it’s something new. Empowering women is a work in progress and we are still shaping new roles that didn’t exist just some years ago.